Why Choose Boondall Kindy
Learning through Play
Play is a child’s natural learning strategy.
Research evidence suggests when children learn through play, they end up better at reading and other intellectual skills, and they are more likely to become well-adjusted healthy people.
The Educators role is to enhance learning through planning and interactions with children, while encouraging, extending and valuing children’s spontaneous learning through the medium of Play.
At Boondall Kindergarten we follow the Qld Kindergarten Learning Guidelines and the Early Years Learning Framework. It invites children and adults to take part in a journey – a journey that requires a commitment to potentials, possibilities, aspirations and inspirations! Learn more here

Approved Kindergarten Program Exceeding the National Quality Standards
Approved Kindergarten Programs are assessed and certified by the Qld Government to ensure children across the state receive a consistent, quality education.
Boondall Kindergarten has been rated as Exceeding the National Quality Standard. This means our Kindergarten program makes that “extra” effort to ensure we do better than just meet the minimum requirements.
Qualified & Experienced Staff
Each group has a minimum of two qualified educators consisting of a fully qualified early childhood Teacher and an Assistant who has at a minimum a Certificate III in Early Childhood.
Our Educators often attend professional development to keep up to date on current learning concepts and each year our teachers are asked to mentor university students undertaking studies in Early Childhood.
Our dedicated educators work as a close knit team and are passionate about the importance of early childhood education.
All Educators hold a current Senior First Aid Certificate and current CPR, anaphylaxis, asthma management & training certificates as required by the Education & Care Services Act 2013.
See our staff profiles
Environment & Resources
Boondall Kindy has a large outdoor playground area with large wooden playground equipment, digging patch, sandpit, swings, cubby house & performing platform.
The patio allows a range of arts and crafts to be enjoyed including playdoh and painting.
The indoor Kindy room offers a wide array of puzzles, craft, blocks, books and other creative equipment. This area is often transformed into creative areas including outer space, vet surgery, retail shops, hospitals, pirate ship, princess palace, police station and many other imaginative role play concepts.
As we are a single unit Kindergarten the entire area can be used by the 22 children in attendance and the day can be flexible and creative.
Children are able to direct the type of play by selecting their own equipment, paints, choosing music, directing games and expressing their imagination. Children are able to continue play over consecutive kindergarten days if they wish.
A day may involve working on projects and investigations, exploring, communicating, sharing, creating, imagining and much more.

Non Profit
Boondall Kindergarten is a community owned non-profit association. All funds are reinvested into the kindergarten to benefit the children.
Families form the management of the kindergarten and are involved in management decisions.
Boondall Kindy has operated on the present site since 1970 and benefits from years of families working together to build a wonderful kindergarten.
Families, the extended family and the community are the most important and powerful influence on the child because they provide the context for children’s growth and development including the development of beliefs, values, knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Boondall Kindergarten staff value the knowledge and provocations and questions that families bring and share and, in turn families are asked to value the professional knowledge and experience that staff bring to the learning community and to the family staff relationship.
In early childhood school as well as the wider community, parenting, educating and caring for children is and should be a shared responsibility. As members of this learning community Boondall Kindergarten staff are willing to share this role with families valuing and embracing diversity and upholding the rights of children and of each other and accepting the responsibilities that these relationships require.
Family involvement is actively encouraged through:
- Sharing information about your child, culture, traditions
- Building collaborative partnerships to support children’s learning
- Management of the centre by an elected Committee of parents
- Parent rosters when parents spend time with their child and the group
- Social functions such as Welcome breakfasts, Grandparent mornings, social club connections, Fathers evenings.
- Working Bees where parents work to keep the grounds and equipment safe, inviting and stimulating
Building Independence, Strong Friendships & Connections
We have set groups and fixed hours which provide children with structure that nurtures each child’s confidence and independence.
The children build strong friendships with the others in their group and stable relationships with the educators who understand and plan for each child’s individuality.
Children arrive and leave at the same time each day. This builds strong friendships, confidence and independence skills (eg packing/ unpacking bags, responsibility for belongings).
A common arrival and departure time also fosters parent friendships as it gives families a chance to interact and socialize.
Children are able to continue play over consecutive kindergarten days if they wish. They can share their creations with families at drop off/pick-up.
At Boondall Kindy each day is exciting and new. A day may involve working on projects and investigations, exploring, communicating, sharing, creating, imagining and much more.
Long History in the Community
We have been part of the Boondall community since 1967. That is nearly 60 years of early childhood education in the local community.
- Understand children
- Build partnerships
- Establish inspiring and flexible learning environments
- Support the children’s play
- Provide positive outcomes for our children